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Ian Hardwitt

Ian Hardwitt is a journalist at WHAS11.
Credit: WHAS11

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Ian Hardwitt joined WHAS11 in 2022 as a NightTeam photojournalist. A year later, he switched to reporting on-air. His experience behind the lens still influences the stories he tells.

As a photojournalist, he won a Kentucky Broadcaster's Award alongside NightTeam Executive Producer Megan Short for the "Kentucky Tornados: One Year Later" special. It's one example of how the award-winning NightTeam newscast provided Ian an opportunity to develop his skills as a people-oriented journalist.

During his time there, he covered much of Louisville's breaking news, and saw the heartbreaking affect violence has on communities and neighborhoods. He hopes the stories people share of loss and healing will make a more peaceful future for all.

Born and raised in Paducah, Kentucky, Ian moved to Louisville in 2016. Here, he attended the University of Louisville as a Metropolitan College student. For years, he lived in Old Louisville, but now enjoys a house with his wife, Cassidy, in the Iroqouis neighborhood.

They live there with two cats. One they adopted from the WHAS11 station—just another way Ian's work follows him home.

You can reach him by calling or texting his work cell at (502)-381-0506. Emails go to ihardwitt@whas11.com.

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